A security token offering (STO) is a type of public offering in which tokenized digital securities, known as
security tokens, are sold on regulated exchanges. Tokens can be used to trade real financial assets such
as equities or fixed income instruments and use a blockchain virtual ledger system to store and validate
token transactions.
Security token offerings fix three critical problems in the private markets: investor access, liquidity,
and price transparency. Security token offerings are
poised to democratize access for individual investors for a variety of private assets that have been
traditionally held by accredited and institutional investors.
For issuers, STOs will bring price transparency and liquidity to asset portfolios that have suffered
from monetization opportunities. Due to tokens being classified as securities, STOs are subject to
extensive regulatory oversight.
STOs Provide an Elegant Financial Solution to a Variety of Asset Classes.
Security tokens can provide investment access for individual investors and price transparency and
liquidity for issuers across
a variety of asset classes including: